A map showing the location of regenerative meat business in Northern California.

Northern California Regenerative Meat Project

The Center for Conservation Informatics in collaboration with Roots of Change and IC-FOODS has recently completed a project funded by the USDA AMS Regional Food System Partnerships Program to seek effective collaboration among links in supply chains to optimize processing, inspection, and marketing systems supporting small and mid-scale producers. Our team has been working with producers, processors, and buyers over three years across northern California to implement synergistic actions that will optimize processing and marketing of high value meat to institutions, restaurants, and butcher shops. We are aiding regional supply chains to highlight product attributes conveying quality and value.

For this project, our team has built the Northern California Regenerative Meat Portal to provide resources for the regional regenerative meat community such as contact information and resources on markets and opportunities. This site includes information about markets, opportunities, and other resources, a directory of producers, processors, buyers, and technical advisors on regenerative meat production, an interactive map showing regenerative meat business, a directory of where to buy meat, and relevant media resources.

A map showing the location of regenerative meat business in Northern California.


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