The mission of the Center for Watershed Sciences is to focus on environmentally and economically sustainable solutions for managing rivers, lakes and estuaries.
What is the Center for Watershed Sciences?
As an interdisciplinary research unit, the Center for Watershed Sciences (CWS) combines the talents of biologists, geologists, engineers, economists, landscape architects, legal scholars and others to help understand and solve California’s complex water problems. Our research is nonpartisan and funded from a diverse portfolio of sources, primarily foundations, public agencies and conservation groups. CWS has been effective in shaping ideas in California water policy and legislation in a variety of areas.
What Does the Center for Watershed Sciences Do?
The Center:
- Develops and applies quantitative analysis of ecological, economic and social aspects of water management systems;
- Evaluates critical uncertainties in watershed, riverine, riparian, floodplain and tidal marsh restoration efforts;
- Provides management solutions and insights for policy and public discussions
- Educates students and professional scientists through expedition courses like Ecogeomorphology field classes and publically available seminar series, workshops, and lectures, and
- Connects the public with science through numerous outreach activities, including the California WaterBlog, social media postings, field trips, and classroom visits.
Director: Karrigan Börk