One Climate General Overview

Creating a sustainable, just and habitable world and the pathways to get there.

Leveraging Collaboration for Innovation

One Climate is a unique, interconnected approach to addressing the world’s most pressing problems designed to leverage the broad expertise at UC Davis to develop practical solutions for a sustainable future in the face of a rapidly expanding global population. At UC Davis, we are optimistic about the power of collaboration and cooperation in finding innovative solutions to a rapidly changing climate and planet. We are prepared to make a positive impact on society and focus on solutions rather than miring ourselves in the problems.

To us, global climate change is a “threat multiplier,” meaning that it presents risks to just about everything we care about. We must be open, creative, agile, dynamic, and transformative to make a real-world impact. Here at One Climate, we recognize that we are all in this together, regardless of discipline, status, color or creed.

We can create a whole new world by working together – One Climate for everyone and everything.

A Holistic Approach to Climate Change

One Climate’s diverse group of change-makers will partner with the community, NGOs, government, and industry to scale solutions accordingly. In working together and focusing on human health and environmental justice within our work, we will create a new model for how research institutions partner with stakeholders in the future.

Current projects under the One Climate initiative include a state of the art carbon farming consortium, cutting edge research and outreach, and the development of new technologies and climate policy created through our collaborative approach. 

One Climate: A Big Idea

One Climate was recently selected by Chancellor May as one of UC Davis Big Ideas for 2020. This means this initiative was recognized for its forward-thinking interdisciplinary approach to one of the world’s most pressing issues: Climate Change, and the impact we can have on the world with support from our donors. Without your support, this project would not be possible. 

For additional information on One Climate, see One Climate featured on the UC Davis Big Ideas webpage.