Yajaira Ramirez Sigala Community Education Specialist Center for Health and the Environment yramirezsigala@ucdavis.edu
Marlyn Mendez Animal Technician Center for Health and the Environment 530-754-9060 mjmmendez@ucdavis.edu
Stephanie Villanueva Community Education Specialist Center for Health and the Environment svillanueva@ucdavis.edu
Rigoberto Silva-Mora Purchaser Center for Health and the Environment 530-752-1347 rsilvamora@ucdavis.edu
Morgan Domanico Graduate Student Researcher Center for Health and the Environment mdomanico@ucdavis.edu
Joshua Martinez Staff Research Associate Imaging Core Manager Van Winkle Laboratory Manager 530-754-9060 jdmmartinez@ucdavis.edu
Keith D. Anglin Business and Operations Manager Institute of the Environment 530-752-7116 530-554-8711 Cell kdanglin@ucdavis.edu