Masters of Science in Environmental Public Policy
The Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM) program, housed within Muir Institute, provides advanced training in applying environmental science to real-world environmental policy and management issues. The program leverages the positions of UC Davis as among the world’s strongest campuses in environmental research and science.
Girls Outdoor Adventure in Leadership and Science (GOALS)
Girls Outdoor Adventure in Leadership and Science (GOALS) is a free summer science program for high school students to learn science hands-on while backpacking through the wilderness. Over the course of 2 weeks, girls from underrepresented backgrounds learn ecology, earth science, and chemistry in the Sierra Nevada mountains with UC Davis scientists. Summer 2018 marks the launch of the GOALS chapter at UC Davis.
Environ Mentors
EnvironMentors is a national college-access program, housed within the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). AggieMentors is the local chapter of the mentoring program, established in 2009 as one of the first West Coast participants. The UC Davis chapter is now one of 13 chapters in the Nation.
Natural Reserve System
The University of California Natural Reserve System (NRS) is the largest and most diverse set of university biological field stations in the world. Its 39 reserves include examples of nearly every major ecosystem in the state, providing secure sites for long-term environmental research, education and public outreach.
Scientists for Public Engagement and Knowledge
As the Center for Watershed Sciences‘ (CWS) official outreach program, Scientists for Public Engagement and Knowledge (SPEAK) trains scientists how to communicate their research in a way that’s accessible, engaging, and influential.
Western Center for Agriculture and Safety
The Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (WCAHS) works to to conduct research and provide education and training to improve the health and safety of farmers, farmworkers, and their families in Western agriculture.
Grant Opportunities